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Second Week of My Virtual Internship.

This week has been the second week of my virtual internship. While I feel like I have lots of support behind me, it has felt pretty hectic being the lead up to Christmas, and I definitely have had lots of learning experiences!

This week my first post ever was published, which was really exciting. I have also continued to work on the three other blog posts which I will hand in on Monday to my supervisor. One of which I have written for WikiHow, which is quite nerve-racking, and I have run it through Grammarly a million times.

A couple of key takeaways I have from this week are:

  • It takes time, plan ahead.

This week I found that I needed more than the 20 hours to complete the blog posts. As I am required to spread the hours out over the 5-day work week, I found it difficult to feel out when I needed to spend more time on the assignment. About Thursday, I still had a lot of editing and some writing to do, and so I asked my supervisor if I could use the weekend as well.

While this was really useful, it gave me the idea to start checkpoints for next week, so it doesn't happen again.

  • Take breaks.

Another realisation I have made is that if I get stuck staring at the screen with nothing to write, then it's time to do something else for a while.

I have caught myself multiple times this week, staring blankly with nothing more to write about Excel. Next week I will get up and take a walk when I feel myself starting to switch off before reconnecting.

I think that overall this week, I have found that writing content takes time. Next week I plan to be more prepared for this by setting up daily checkpoints.

Here is the link to my first published blog post:

If you have any advice for me or have any questions, please let me know in the comments.

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